McFly is the British equivalent of a cross between the Jonas Brothers, The Click Five, and Boys Like Girls. Before I saw one of their music videos, I thought they were a boy band (you know- matching outfits, no singing ability, choreography). But they actually write songs and play instruments (no word on if their stage moves are choreographed a la JB), and apparently they're pretty big over on the other side of the Atlantic.
Whether they're actually relevant to music is debatable. I mean, pop-rock/power-pop/pop is definitely an important genre, but it can be hard to tell which bands will actually stick around and which... won't. McFly's music videos consist mostly of them "dancing" on stage (or whatever it is you call it) and making funny faces at the camera, with slow motion clips and real "acting" carefully interspersed where necessary. Their fanbase is largely female, they wear tight pants, their songs are simple and ridiculously catchy without too much in the way of "deeper meanings", and they've covered "Don't Stop Me Now". I doubt many bands will be claiming McFly as their biggest influence (or maybe they will, I could be totally wrong), but I bet they'll be sticking around for awhile. My predicition is that they'll break up in a few years (although they might call it a "hiatus"), and then they'll return a couple years later, when their screaming fans are just old enough to miss them and want to see them again. Except, you know, their screaming fans will all be British.